"In treatment of human infertility..."
In treatment of human infertility there is no shortage of donated sperm
However, donated ova are in very short supply
All the oocytes that a woman will produce in her life time are laid down in foetal development
Aborted female foetuses could therefore be used as a source of �donated� ova
Do you approve/disapprove?

Why should we teach ethics to bioscience students?
What are your reasons?

Slide 3

Doing Biology
Animal experimentation
Genetic modification
Environmental issues � disposal of isotopes
Human data
Allocation of resources

Applying Biology
Genetic modification
Crops and food
Safety, equity and justice
Designer babies / donor babies

Slide 6

Applying Biology
Genome projects
Use of information
Possibility of discrimination
Confidentiality and autonomy
Philosophical applications: genetic reductionism or GenesЯus

Applying Biology
Reproductive technology
How far should we go?
Stem cell research
Status of the early embryo

Slide 9

Slide 10

Slide 11

Intrinsic versus instrumental value
Whose ecosystem is it anyway?
Rio etc
Who rules the world?

The evolution of bioethics
Medical ethics
Hippocrates, Codes of Practice, Post-Nuremberg (Jonsen)
Leopold, Carson, White, Potter

Reasons for Bioethics
Biomedical science is presenting us with �unprecedented choices�
Do we have the ethical tools to deal with those choices?

Making moral choices
How do we make choices?
Muddling through
The �Yuk Factor�
Deontological systems
Consequentialist systems
Virtue, Prudence and Wisdom